Latest outreach events

  • Tuesday, 24 May, 2016
    Miguel Pérez Torres gave a public outreach talk entitled "¿Cuánto alcohol hay en el Universo?" to a wide audience at the pub "El Sótano Mágico" on the night of May 24th, 2016, in Zaragoza. For the interested reader, the roughly amount of etanol in the Universe is >= 2 x 1e30 liters, enough for all the inhabitans of the Earth to drink about 27000 pints of beers/person/second(!!!) for the entire existence of the Universe.
  • Thursday, 10 March, 2016
    Miguel Pérez Torres gave an outreach talk for 10-yr school kids at CEIP Josefa Amar y Borbón
  • Wednesday, 9 March, 2016
    Miguel Pérez Torres gave an outreach talk for 5-yr school kids at CEIP Josefa Amar y Borbón
  • Saturday, 12 December, 2015
    Short Conference in a small cycle celebrating "International Year of Light". The title is: "The Event Horizon Telescope: Getting closer to the boundary of a Black Hole"
  • Saturday, 14 November, 2015
    Conferencia invitada de Miguel Pérez Torres en las XV Jornadas de Astronomía "Estrellas en el Pirineo".
