Latest news
Monday, 14 September, 2015Attendance of the ThunderKAT/MeerLicht workshop at Brasenose College, Oxford. Our group presented our interests in this MeerKAT project, aimed at observing CCSNe via commensal observations, as well as Type Ia SNe, via ToO observations.
Monday, 24 August, 2015This workshop has explored the capabilities of SKA Phase 1 within the context of notional 'Key Science Projects', large scale collaborative projects addressing key scientific questions with significant legacy value. Building on the extensive efforts formulating science goals to date, and engaging new forums, this workshop has initiated the development of objectives and collaborations, the start of a 3 year timeline that will conclude with a formal call for projects.
Tuesday, 18 August, 2015Rubén Herrero-Illana particitated in the Young European Radio Astronomers Conference, with an oral contribution called "Tracing molecular gas in (U)LIRGs".
Tuesday, 14 July, 2015Miguel Perez-Torres won a fellowship from the Insitute of Advanced Studies (ISA) of the University of Bologna, where he stayed in July 2015, collaborating with Prof. Giovannini and Dr. Bondi of the Istituto di Radioastronomia di Bologna. As part of the fellowship, Miguel Perez-Torres gave a public outreach talk entitled "The death of stars, origin of our lives".
Tuesday, 14 July, 2015Miguel Perez-Torres gave a public outreach talk entitled "The death of stars, origin of our lives" at the Institute of Advanced Studies (ISA) of the University of Bologna.
Monday, 13 July, 2015Miguel Perez-Torres gave an invited seminar at the Istituto di Radioastronomia di Bologna (IRA-INAF) entitled "What can radio observations tell us about the progenitors of Type Ia SNe?"
Thursday, 2 July, 2015Miguel Á. Pérez Torres presided the PhD Thesis defense of Rubén López Coto at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona on July 2nd, 2015. The title of the thesis was "VERY-HIGH‐ENERGY GAMMA‐RAY OBSERVATIONS OF PULSAR WIND NEBULAE AND CATACLYSMIC VARIABLE STARS WITH MAGIC AND DEVELOPMENT OF TRIGGER SYSTEMS FOR IACTS", whose Thesis supernvisors were Juan Cortina Blanco and Óscar Blanch Bigas.
Wednesday, 1 July, 2015Miguel Pérez Torres, member of the European VLBI Network (EVN) Programme Committee (PC) meeting, attended the EVN PC meeting of July 1st, 2015, hold in Saint Petersburg, via Skype ;-)
Monday, 22 June, 2015With its superb sensitivity, planned to be about two orders of magnitude better than existing radio astronomical facilities, SKA will be an excellent deep and wide survey machine for astronomical objects from the local to the most distant universe up to redshifts larger than 10.
Friday, 12 June, 2015The Spanish SKA White Book was published last June 9, 2015. The official reference is The Spanish Square Kilometre Array White Book (2015). Edited by M.A. Perez-Torres (Editor-in-chief), L. Verdes-Montenegro, J.C. Guirado, A. Alberdi, J. Martin-Pintado, R. Bachiller, D. Herranz, J.M. Girart, J. Gorgas, C. Hernandez-Monteagudo, S. Migliari and J.M. Rodriguez-Espinosa. @ Sociedad Española de Astronomía.