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Mattila S., Dahlen T., Efstathiou A., Kankare E., Melinder J., Alonso-Herrero A., Pérez-Torres M.A, Ryder S., Väisänen P., Östlin G..  2012.  Core-collapse Supernovae Missed by Optical Surveys. The Astrophysical Journal. 756:111.
Kankare E., Mattila S., Ryder S., Väisänen P., Alberdi A., Alonso-Herrero A., Colina L., Efstathiou A., Kotilainen J., Melinder J. et al..  2012.  Discovery of Two Supernovae in the Nuclear Regions of the Luminous Infrared Galaxy IC 883. The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 744:L19.
Romero-Cañizales C., Pérez-Torres M.A, Alberdi A., Argo M.K, Beswick R.J, Kankare E., Batejat F., Efstathiou A., Mattila S., Conway J.E et al..  2012.  e-MERLIN and VLBI observations of the luminous infrared galaxy IC 883: a nuclear starburst and an AGN candidate revealed. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 543:A72.
Herrero-Illana R., Pérez-Torres M.A, Alberdi A..  2012.  Evidence of nuclear disks in starburst galaxies from their radial distribution of supernovae. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 540:L5.
Romero-Cañizales C., Pérez-Torres M.A, Alberdi A..  2012.  EVN observations of the farthest and brightest ULIRGs in the local Universe: the case of IRAS 23365+3604. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 422:510-520.
Bondi M., Pérez-Torres M.A, Herrero-Illana R., Alberdi A..  2012.  The nuclear starburst in Arp 299-A: from the 5.0 GHz VLBI radio light-curves to its core-collapse supernova rate. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 539:A134.
Aalto S., Muller S., Sakamoto K., Gallagher J.S, Martín S., Costagliola F..  2012.  Winds of change - a molecular outflow in NGC 1377?. The anatomy of an extreme FIR-excess galaxy Astronomy and Astrophysics. 546:A68.