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Aleksić J., Antonelli L.A, Antoranz P., Backes M., Barrio J.A, Bastieri D., J. González B, Bednarek W., Berdyugin A., Berger K. et al..  2010.  Detection of Very High Energy $\gamma$-ray Emission from the Perseus Cluster Head-Tail Galaxy IC 310 by the MAGIC Telescopes}. The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 723:L207-L212.
Humphrey A., Villar-Martín M., Sánchez S.F, Martínez-Sansigre A., Delgado R.G, Pérez E., Tadhunter C., Pérez-Torres M.A.  2010.  Integral-field spectroscopy of type II QSOs at z = 0.3-0.4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 408:L1-L5.
Aleksić J., Antonelli L.A, Antoranz P., Backes M., Baixeras C., Barrio J.A, Bastieri D., J. González B, Bednarek W., Berdyugin A. et al..  2010.  Search for an extended VHE $\gamma$-ray emission from Mrk 421 and Mrk 501 with the MAGIC Telescope}. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 524:A77.
Aleksić J., Anderhub H., Antonelli L.A, Antoranz P., Backes M., Baixeras C., Balestra S., Barrio J.A, Bastieri D., J. González B et al..  2010.  Simultaneous multi-frequency observation of the unknown redshift blazar PG 1553+113 in March-April 2008. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 515:A76.
Costagliola F., Aalto S..  2010.  Vibrationally excited HC₃N in NGC 4418. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 515:A71.
Bondi M., Pérez-Torres M.A.  2010.  VLBI Detection of an Active Galactic Nucleus Pair in the Binary Black Hole Candidate SDSS J1536+0441. The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 714:L271-L274.
Martí-Vidal I., Marcaide J.M, Alberdi A., Pérez-Torres M.A, Ros E., Guirado J.C.  2011.  Detection of jet precession in the active nucleus of M 81. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 533:A111.
Abdo A.A, Ackermann M., Ajello M., Baldini L., Ballet J., Barbiellini G., Bastieri D., Bechtol K., Bellazzini R., Berenji B. et al..  2011.  Fermi Large Area Telescope Observations of Markarian 421: The Missing Piece of its Spectral Energy Distribution. The Astrophysical Journal. 736:131.
Aalto S., Costagliola F., van der Tak F., Meijerink R..  2011.  H₃O$^+$ line emission from starbursts and AGNs}. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 527:A69.
Abdo A.A, Ackermann M., Ajello M., Allafort A., Baldini L., Ballet J., Barbiellini G., Baring M.G, Bastieri D., Bechtol K. et al..  2011.  Insights into the High-energy $\gamma$-ray Emission of Markarian 501 from Extensive Multifrequency Observations in the Fermi Era}. The Astrophysical Journal. 727:129.
Aleksić J., Antonelli L.A, Antoranz P., Backes M., Barrio J.A, Bastieri D., J. González B, Bednarek W., Berdyugin A., Berger K. et al..  2011.  MAGIC Discovery of Very High Energy Emission from the FSRQ PKS 1222+21. The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 730:L8.
Costagliola F., Aalto S., Rodríguez M., Muller S., Spoon H.WW, Martín S., Pérez-Torres M.A, Alberdi A., Lindberg J.E, Batejat F. et al..  2011.  Molecules as tracers of galaxy evolution: an EMIR survey. I. Presentation of the data and first results. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 528:A30.
Aleksić J., Antonelli L.A, Antoranz P., Backes M., Barrio J.A, Bastieri D., J. González B, Bednarek W., Berdyugin A., Berger K. et al..  2011.  Observations of the Blazar 3C 66A with the Magic Telescopes in Stereoscopic Mode. The Astrophysical Journal. 726:58.
Acciari V.A, Arlen T., Aune T., Beilicke M., Benbow W., Böttcher M., Boltuch D., Bradbury S.M, Buckley J.H, Bugaev V. et al..  2011.  Spectral Energy Distribution of Markarian 501: Quiescent State Versus Extreme Outburst. The Astrophysical Journal. 729:2.
Lindberg J.E, Aalto S., Costagliola F., Pérez-Beaupuits J.-P., Monje R., Muller S..  2011.  A survey of HC₃N in extragalactic sources. Is HC₃N a tracer of activity in ULIRGs? Astronomy and Astrophysics. 527:A150.
Abramowski A., Acero F., Aharonian F., Akhperjanian A.G, Anton G., Balzer A., Barnacka A., U. de Almeida B, Becherini Y., Becker J. et al..  2012.  The 2010 Very High Energy $\gamma$-Ray Flare and 10 Years of Multi-wavelength Observations of M 87}. The Astrophysical Journal. 746:151.
Aalto S., García-Burillo S., Muller S., Winters J.M, van der Werf P., Henkel C., Costagliola F., Neri R..  2012.  Detection of HCN, HCO$^+$, and HNC in the Mrk 231 molecular outflow. Dense molecular gas in the AGN wind}. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 537:A44.
Aleksić J., Alvarez E.A, Antonelli L.A, Antoranz P., Asensio M., Backes M., U. de Almeida B, Barrio J.A, Bastieri D., J. González B et al..  2012.  Detection of very-high energy $\gamma$-ray emission from NGC 1275 by the MAGIC telescopes}. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 539:L2.
Aleksić J., Alvarez E.A, Antonelli L.A, Antoranz P., Asensio M., Backes M., Barrio J.A, Bastieri D., J. González B, Bednarek W. et al..  2012.  Discovery of VHE $\gamma$-ray emission from the BL Lacertae object B3 2247+381 with the MAGIC telescopes}. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 539:A118.
Lico R., Giroletti M., Orienti M., Giovannini G., Cotton W., Edwards P.G, Fuhrmann L., Krichbaum T.P, Sokolovsky K.V, Kovalev Y.Y et al..  2012.  VLBA monitoring of Mrk 421 at 15 GHz and 24 GHz during 2011. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 545:A117.
Ros E., Pérez-Torres M.A.  2012.  VLBI imaging of M 81* at 43 GHz. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 537:A93.
Aalto S., Muller S., Sakamoto K., Gallagher J.S, Martín S., Costagliola F..  2012.  Winds of change - a molecular outflow in NGC 1377?. The anatomy of an extreme FIR-excess galaxy Astronomy and Astrophysics. 546:A68.
