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Filters: Author is M. A. Pérez-Torres and Keyword is galaxies: active  [Clear All Filters]
Martí-Vidal I., Marcaide J.M, Alberdi A., Pérez-Torres M.A, Ros E., Guirado J.C.  2011.  Detection of jet precession in the active nucleus of M 81. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 533:A111.
Abdo A.A, Ackermann M., Ajello M., Baldini L., Ballet J., Barbiellini G., Bastieri D., Bechtol K., Bellazzini R., Berenji B. et al..  2011.  Fermi Large Area Telescope Observations of Markarian 421: The Missing Piece of its Spectral Energy Distribution. The Astrophysical Journal. 736:131.
Abdo A.A, Ackermann M., Ajello M., Allafort A., Baldini L., Ballet J., Barbiellini G., Baring M.G, Bastieri D., Bechtol K. et al..  2011.  Insights into the High-energy $\gamma$-ray Emission of Markarian 501 from Extensive Multifrequency Observations in the Fermi Era}. The Astrophysical Journal. 727:129.
Aleksić J., Antonelli L.A, Antoranz P., Backes M., Barrio J.A, Bastieri D., J. González B, Bednarek W., Berdyugin A., Berger K. et al..  2011.  MAGIC Discovery of Very High Energy Emission from the FSRQ PKS 1222+21. The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 730:L8.
Costagliola F., Aalto S., Rodríguez M., Muller S., Spoon H.WW, Martín S., Pérez-Torres M.A, Alberdi A., Lindberg J.E, Batejat F. et al..  2011.  Molecules as tracers of galaxy evolution: an EMIR survey. I. Presentation of the data and first results. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 528:A30.
Aleksić J., Antonelli L.A, Antoranz P., Backes M., Barrio J.A, Bastieri D., J. González B, Bednarek W., Berdyugin A., Berger K. et al..  2011.  Observations of the Blazar 3C 66A with the Magic Telescopes in Stereoscopic Mode. The Astrophysical Journal. 726:58.
Acciari V.A, Arlen T., Aune T., Beilicke M., Benbow W., Böttcher M., Boltuch D., Bradbury S.M, Buckley J.H, Bugaev V. et al..  2011.  Spectral Energy Distribution of Markarian 501: Quiescent State Versus Extreme Outburst. The Astrophysical Journal. 729:2.