Probing dust-obscured star formation in the most massive Gamma-Ray Burst host galaxies. Accepted for publication in A&A.
2016. High-resolution imaging of the molecular outflows in two mergers: IRAS 17208-0014 and NGC 1614. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 580:A35.
2015. Molecular line emission in NGC 1068 imaged with ALMA. I. An AGN-driven outflow in the dense molecular gas. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 567:A125.
2014. Molecular line emission in NGC 1068 imaged with ALMA. I. An AGN-driven outflow in the dense molecular gas. \aap. 567:A125.
2014. Molecular line emission in NGC 1068 imaged with ALMA. II. The chemistry of the dense molecular gas. \aap. 570:A28.
2014. Molecular line emission in NGC 1068 imaged with ALMA. II. The chemistry of the dense molecular gas. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 570:A28.